What To Do If Your Tenants Asks To Sub-Lease In California

When tenants in California want to sub-lease, it can raise questions for landlords like you. Some landlords may allow it, while others may not. Find out more about this process in our newest blog post! Subletting can be a smooth process if the landlord gives their approval. It’s important to have detailed contracts in place … Continued

Using A Lease Option To Sell Your House in California

Choosing the right exit strategy for selling your house is crucial for maximizing your profits from your real estate investment. Lease options provide a great opportunity to potentially earn a higher return compared to selling the property outright. With a lease option, the buyer has the choice to purchase the home at the end of … Continued

5 Ways to Deal With Bad Tenants in California

As a property owner in California, we understand that dealing with tenants can come with its unique challenges. At some point, you will have to deal with bad tenants, as it is a common issue that many landlords face. While eviction may seem like the only solution for problem tenants, it can be a time-consuming … Continued

How Landlords Can Save Money Making Repairs In California

To maximize the long-term value of your rental property, especially if you plan to sell the house soon, it is essential to prioritize regular maintenance and promptly address any needed repairs. Cutting corners to save money making repairs can negatively impact the value of your property. However, there are various strategies you can implement to … Continued